Hey, diddle, diddle!
어이, 디들디들!
The cat and the fiddle,
고양이랑 깡깡이(바이올린) >> 고양이는 바이올린을 켜고
The cow jumped over the moon;
소는 달 위를 넘어갔네
The little dog laughed
작은 개는 웃었네
To see such sport,
그런 장면을 보고
And the dish ran away
그리고 접시는 도망갔다네
With the spoon.
숟가락과 함께
Diddle은 옥스포드 사전엔 따르면 누군가를 속여서 돈 또는 어떤 이득을 받거나, 목적없이 시간을 낭비하는 행위를 뜻한다. 이러한 뜻은 Hey, diddle, diddle Nursery Rhyme에서는 별 의미가 없어보인다.
이 Nursery Rhyme에 대한 여러가지 가설이 있다.
1. 고대 그리스의 별자리와 관련
별자리와 관련된 고대그리스어의 변형이라는 설도 있다. cat, fiddle, cow, dog, dish, spoon은 고양이자리, 리라자리, 황소자리, 작은게자리, 큰곰자리, 작은곰자리를 각각 의미한다고 한다.
The "Diddle" means "to move with short rapid movement" or "to waste time in trifling". It also means "hoax" or "swindle’. The "Cat" refers to the constellation of Felis. "Fiddle"is the constellation of Lyra which refers to the ancient Greek stringed musical instrument. The "bull" or "cow that moved over the moon refers to the constellation of Taurus. The "dog" refers to the constellation of Canis Minor. The "dish" and "spoon" refer to the constellation of Ursa Major and Ursa Minor respectively.
출처: https://poetandpoem.com/meaning-of-hey-diddle-diddle
2. 대중 민속음악 제목
가사에 등장하는 The Cat and Fiddle은 영국에 흔한 여관(INN)이름으로 사람들은 여관에 딸린 펍에서 Cat이라고 불리우는 Trap-ball(일종의 공놀이)을 하곤 했는데, 이 놀이를 할 대 바이올린같은 악기를 연주했다고 한다. (중세시대에서 Pub펍은 여행객들에게 알콜이 들어간 음료와 음식과 더불어 잠잘 곳도 내어주던 곳으로 여관과 같은 기능을 했다.) 엘리자베스 1세 여왕이 통지하던 시기 Hey, diddle, diddle 음악이 유행했다고 한다.
3. 영국 엘리자베스 1세 통지시기 역사적 관점 (사랑의 삼각관계)
엘리자베스 여왕은 그녀가 좋아하는 사람들에게 별명을 지어주길 좋아했는데, 그녀의 법정에서 그녀 아래 있는 사람들(신하)을 쥐와 같이 여기고 여왕 그녀 자신은 고양이(cat)처럼 굴었다고 한다. 여왕의 사촌 Lady Catherine Grey는 Edward Seymour와 눈이 맞아 달아났는데 (eloped with) 여왕은 이를 좋게 보지 않았다. 이 두사람은 접시와 숟가락을 의미할 수 도 있다.
출처: http://nurseryrhymesforbabies.com/hey-diddle-diddle-history/
*네이버 블로그 해석 옛날 영국 왕실의 엘리자베스 1세에게는 신하들을 고양이가 쥐를 가지고 놀듯이 다룬다고 해서 'the cat'이라는 별명이 있었다. 노래에 등장하는 cow와 moon은 왕궁의 신하들을 지칭하고 little dog은 엘리자베스 1세의 애완견을 뜻한다고 한다. the dish는 여왕의 음식을 내오는 하녀를 뜻하고, the spoon은 여왕의 음식에 독이 있는지 테스트해보는 신하를 뜻하는데, 그 둘이 서로 눈이 맞아 몰래 도망갔다가 잡혀서 런던탑을 갖힌 것을 노래한 노래라고 한다. 출처: https://m.blog.naver.com/mycjddk16/221588787793 |
이번에는 엘리자베스 여왕과 그녀가 사랑했던 더들리 백작과 관련된 해석으로, 엘리자베스 여왕과 그가 짝사랑했던 로버트 백작, 침대 시중이었떤 레스터 놀리스 사이에 얽힌 사랑의 삼각관계를 우스개소리(tongue-in-cheek piece)로 풀어낸 것이라는 말도 있다.
Cat은 Queen Elizabeth I, Dog는 예비남편(a potential husband)인 Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester), 숟가락과 함께 달아난 접시는 여왕의 허락없이 비밀리에 결혼한 Lady Lettice Knollys (maid -in-waiting, a lady of the bedchamber) 와 Robert Dudley라고 본다. (결국 그 둘은 런던탑에 갇혔음)
출처: https://www.facebook.com/MuseumofDufferin/photos/a.214125981995629/4079525595455629/?type=3
이 스토리를 이해하기 위해서는 영국역사에 대한 약간의 상식이 필요하다. (출처원문은 아래에 있음)
헨리 8세(Henry VIII)는 스페인의 공주 캐터린(Catherine)과 결혼했지만 왕자가 없었음 > 미모를 자랑하던 궁중하녀인 앤 불린(Anne Boleyn)과 결혼함 > 캐터린과의 혼인성사를 무효화하겠다고 함 > 교황이 거부 > 영국 성공회 분리 > 앤 불린은 엘리자베스 1세 여왕을 낳았지만 후에 왕자를 사산함 > 간음죄로 교수형에 처해짐 메리불린(Mary Voleyn)은 앤 불린의 언니로 프랑스 왕 루이12세와 결혼한 영국의 공주 메리튜더의 시녀였다가, 루이 12세가 승하한 뒤 즉위한 프랑수아1세의 끌로드 왕비의 시녀가 되었다. 이 때 10대였는데, 프랑수아 1세의 내연녀로 난잡한 성생활을 했다고 한다. 다시 영국으로 돌아온 메리불린은 헨리8세를 모시던 윌리엄 캐리와 결혼하여 왕궁에 살게된다. 이 때 헨리 8세가 무도회를 열었는데, 동생 앤 불린과 함께 왕의 눈에 들어 앤 불린이 결혼할 쯤 헨리8세의 정부(Mistress)였다는 소문이 있다. (헨리 8세도 여자관계가 매우 복잡함. 메리불린은 헨리8세 사이에서 아이 셋을 가졌다는 소문이 있음) 메리불린은 앤 불린이 교수형에 처한 뒤 조용히 여생을 보낸다. 그녀의 현대 자손들은 고 엘리자베스 2세여왕과 고 다이아나비가 있다. 메리불린의 손녀딸은 Hey, diddle, diddle에 등장하는 Lettice로 Queen Elizabeth I과는 사촌지간으로 어릴 때부터 왕래했었다고 한다. |
This is an old nursery rhyme, even older than London is Burning or Ring a’ ring a Roses. It was written during the reign of Elizabeth I. It is actually a very tongue in cheek piece, written by the Ballard men of the day; and of very dry wit. So typical of the English! The rhyme is based on one of the most notorious love triangles in English history. One that, had it come to fruition could have brought down the crown. As it was, the dark and criminal perception of the matter; by those in power and the public; was so serious that whether innocent or not; it had the ramification that Elizabeth I could never ever marry the man she really loved. It is based on the love triangle of Robert 2nd Earl of Essex (24th June 1532-4th September 1588) and Lettice Knollys (1543-1634), the cousin of the Queen, as well as Elizabeth herself (7th Sept 1533-24 March 1603). Lettice Knollys grandmother was the sister of Anne Boleyn ( 헨리 8세의 두번째 왕비(王妃)로서 엘리자베스 여왕의 어머니). Mary Boleyn had been the mistress of Henry VIII long before her sisters ominous marriage; which led to her own be heading. (Mary Boleyn은 Lettice의 할머니로 Henry 8세의 내연녀임)) The Knollys family had lived in Germany during the tempestuous reign Mary I. They returned to claim their rights on the ascension of their cousin Elizabeth. Elizabeth was very loyal to those she loved and family and gave much honour to the Knollys family. Lettice she made a lady of the bedchamber, or a maid – in –waiting. Lettice Knollys was very beautiful. Elizabeth always had problems with those more handsome than herself. ![]() 출처: https://baxofthings.wordpress.com/2021/06/02/the-revenge-of-mary-boleyn/ Robert Dudley, later to be made the Earl of Essex came from a line of traitors. Both his father and grandfather had fallen foul of Tudor wrath and been beheaded for treason. Robert, himself in the tower was a little different. This was because Elizabeth herself was also in the tower and both felt a powerful attraction to one another. So, when Elizabeth ascended to the throne on 17th November 1558; she has him made her Master of the Horse. Even though he was married to Amy Robsart they flirted and ‘loved’ and the Queen was well known to be completely infatuated with Robert, allowing him licence to behave as no one else would have dared. But as fortune or maybe misfortune would have it, when his own wife was found with her neck broken at the bottom of the staircase in Cumnor Place on Sunday the 8th September 1560; it took away any chance of marriage to Elizabeth.The shadow of murder grew large; suspicion on both Elizabeth and Robert caused major concern. This was due to not only Robert's reputation, which was scandalous to say the least, but also to Elizabeth’s indiscretions which shocked her most trusted minister; Robert Cecil. Time did not remove the stain of suspected guilt as the years went by. Elizabeth had more favourites, though she loved Robert. Robert grew more and more despondent as it became clear Elizabeth would never marry him. Finally Robert, with a little encouragement grew enamoured of Lettice herself. Lettice was charming and seductive and fervently desired to be married to the Charming Robert Dudley, now Earl of Lester. After much time and more than a little intrigue, Robert secretly wed Lettice. Secretly; because of Elizabeth’s wrath, she hated her favourites marrying, and her most favourite was Robert. But Roberts pride and attitude was not favoured by the Queen’s men and he was betrayed by the French ambassador, who told Elizabeth. Elizabeth’s fury knew no bounds, threatening them both with the tower; it was only the wisdom of Robert Cecil, her advisor that stopped a catastrophe. Elizabeth made herself ill with her rage, banishing Robert for a time and completely refusing to ever see Lettice again (until the execution of Lettice’s son by her first marriage to Walter Devereux) He was also called Robert (Devereux); Earl of Essex (1566-1601) and was another favourite of Elizabeth; but with disastrous consequences. She called Lettice a She-Wolf(암늑대) and hated her with a passion. The nursery rhyme was coined in fun during this period. The Dish and the spoon were possibly Lettice and Robert, The Cow being Elizabeth. The little Dog was possibly Robert Cecil who would have been vastly satisfied that Robert had shot himself in the foot, on the suspicious death of his wife Amy. Today such a rhyme, originally written because of such passion and intrigue; just delights dribbling babies! Thankyou to Victoria Holt for the excellent history of Lettice Knollys. The source was very valuable. Also thankyou to www.famousquotes.me and www.rhymes.org.uk for their information, which was useful to me in writing this article. 출처 http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art40881.asp |