
살콤아내 자기계발/Breaking News English 61

Young people say full stop is intimidating (27th August, 2020)

Young people say full stop is intimidating (27th August, 2020) In British English it is the full stop; in American English the period. This punctuation mark has been used for centuries to end sentences or in abbreviations. It seems that with the younger generation today, its use is changing. A report from Binghamton University in New York shows the humble full stop is "intimidating" to young peo..

It snowed chocolate in a Swiss town (23rd August, 2020)

It snowed chocolate in a Swiss town (23rd August, 2020) Switzerland is renowned the world over for the quality of its chocolate. The nation has earned an international reputation for its premium chocolate brands. However, residents in the Swiss town of Olten, near Zurich, got the surprise of their lives earlier this week when it started snowing chocolate. Some locals wondered if the brown dustin..

UK government U-turns over exam results fiasco (19th August, 2020)

UK government U-turns over exam results fiasco (19th August, 2020) The United Kingdom has made a U-turn over the system it used to award exam grades for students hoping to attend university. The government had decided on using a controversial algorithm to determine the grades of students who were unable to take exams due to COVID-19. The algorithm gave students results that were a grade or two l..

Man breaks M&M stacking world record (1st July, 2021)

Man breaks M&M stacking world record (1st July, 2021) There seems to be a record-breaking feat for just about everything these days. Who knew there was a world record for making the tallest stack of M&Ms? Well, there is, and the record has been broken. British civil engineer Will Cutbill, 23, attempted the balance-defying challenge while trying to stave off the boredom of being cooped up during ..

Toxic workplaces increase depression risk by 300% (27th June, 2021)

Toxic workplaces increase depression risk by 300% (27th June, 2021) New research has revealed that toxic workplaces can be hazardous to mental health. The year-long study is from the University of South Australia. Researchers found that full-time workers who work for companies or organizations that do not prioritise employees' mental health are three times more likely to suffer from depression. ..

Brain-hacking chip could give us superpowers (31st August, 2020)

Brain-hacking chip could give us superpowers (31st August, 2020) Technology trailblazer Elon Musk has unveiled a pig with a computer chip implanted in her brain that could pave the way to computer-to-brain interfaces in humans. Mr Musk has a near-unrivalled record in pioneering technology, from electric cars and hyperloop travel to space tourism. Gertrude the pig showcases his latest ambition - ..

Two-fifths of world's plants at risk of extinction (2nd October, 2020)

Two-fifths of world's plants at risk of extinction (2nd October, 2020) Scientists have revealed that around two-fifths of the world's plants are at risk of extinction. This stark warning comes from a piece of research called the State of the World's Plants and Fungi. More than 200 scientists analysed the state of play of the world's flora in 42 countries. A top botanist, Professor Alexandre Anto..

English language test suggested for Australia visa (10th October, 2020)

English language test suggested for Australia visa (10th October, 2020) Visa requirements in Australia just got a little tougher. Foreign partners of existing residents who want a permanent residence visa must soon have to pass an English language test. Australia's government says it is important that people prove a predetermined level of English proficiency before they are granted a permanent v..

New project to recreate smells from centuries ago (19th November, 2020)

New project to recreate smells from centuries ago (19th November, 2020) Would you like to know what the sixteenth century smelled like? A team of researchers is trying to find out. Scientists, historians and experts in smells have embarked on a $3.3 million project to identify and even recreate the aromas that filled the air between the 16th and early 20th centuries. The project is called "Odeur..

Night golf becomes a thing in South Korea (23rd June, 2021)

Night golf becomes a thing in South Korea (23rd June, 2021) The rise of the popularity of golf in South Korea shows no sign of abating. The country is now the world's third largest market for golf, and Korean golfers spend more per capita on golf equipment and apparel than people in any other country. A new phenomenon is taking off in Korea to reflect the ever-increasing popularity of the game. ..
