살콤아내 자기계발/Breaking News English

Iran and U.S. in talks to revive nuclear deal (8th April, 2021)

살콤아내 2021. 4. 12. 20:14

Iran and U.S. in talks to revive nuclear deal   (8th April, 2021)

Talks between Iran and the USA to revive the 2015 Iran nuclear deal are set to resume. At this early stage, the discussions will be indirect and there will be no face-to-face meetings between high-level officials. The discussions will take place in Vienna and European officials will act as intermediaries. On the table is the revival of the 2015 pact under which economic sanctions on Iran were eased in return for curbs on Iran's nuclear program. This pact was intended to make it harder for Iran to develop nuclear weapons and was abandoned by Donald Trump under his administration. Officials in Tehran have always denied they have had any intentions to develop such weapons.

Negotiators on both sides say the talks will be difficult and neither side foresees any early breakthroughs. US President Joe Biden is keen to re-engage with Iran and revive the nuclear deal. He hopes Iran will resume its compliance with the 2015 deal. US negotiator Robert Malley said: "The primary issues to be discussed are actually quite simple. They are, on the one hand, the nuclear steps that Iran would need to take to return to compliance with the 2015 nuclear accord, and on the other hand, the sanctions-relief steps that the United States would need to take." Iran said it is ready to "reverse its remedial measures, which were taken because of the opposite side's violation of the treaty."



revive 재개하다
set to resume 재개할 예정이다
intermediary 중재자
pact 약속

on the table 상정되어 있는

in return for curbs on ~에 대한 제한에 대한 대가로

nuclear program 핵 문제

nuclear accord 핵협정talks to revive nuclear deal (8th April, 2021)


Talks between Iran and the USA to revive the 2015 Iran nuclear deal are set to resume. At this early stage, the discussions will be indirect and there will be no face-to-face meetings between high-level officials. The discussions will take place in Vienna and European officials will act as intermediaries. On the table is the revival of the 2015 pact under which economic sanctions on Iran were eased in return for curbs on Iran's nuclear program. This pact was intended to make it harder for Iran to develop nuclear weapons and was abandoned by Donald Trump under his administration. Officials in Tehran have always denied they have had any intentions to develop such weapons.


Negotiators on both sides say the talks will be difficult and neither side foresees any early breakthroughs. US President Joe Biden is keen to re-engage with Iran and revive the nuclear deal. He hopes Iran will resume its compliance with the 2015 deal. US negotiator Robert Malley said: "The primary issues to be discussed are actually quite simple. They are, on the one hand, the nuclear steps that Iran would need to take to return to compliance with the 2015 nuclear accord, and on the other hand, the sanctions-relief steps that the United States would need to take." Iran said it is ready to "reverse its remedial measures, which were taken because of the opposite side's violation of the treaty."



revive 재개하다

set to resume 재개할 예정이다

intermediary 중재자

pact 약속

on the table 상정되어 있는

in return for curbs on ~에 대한 제한에 대한 대가로

nuclear program 핵 문제

nuclear accord 핵협정
breakthrough 돌파구
compliance 규정준수
sanctions-relief steps 허가 경감(완화)

remedial measures 구제조치



미국-이란 핵협상 재개를 위한 회담

2015년 이란 핵협상을 재개하려는 회담이 다시 열릴 예정이다. 초기단계에서는 논의가 간접적으로 이루어져 고위관계자들 사이의 면대면 회의는 없을 것이다. 회담은 비엔나에서 개최되어 유럽의 관료들이 중재자로서 역할을 맡기로 했다. 2015년 조약의 재개는 이란의 핵문제 제한에 대한 대가로 이란에게 경제규제를 완화하는 조건으로 상정되어 있다. 이 협정은 이란이 핵 무기를 개발하는 것을 더욱 어렵게 하는 것으로 의도되었으며, 도널드 트럼프 대통령의 집행아래 유기되었다. 테헤란의 관료들은 항상 그들이 그러한 핵 무기를 개발할 어떠한 의도를 가졌다는 것을 부정해왔다.


양측의 교섭자들은 이 회담이 어려워질 것이라고 말하며 어느 쪽도 어떠한 초기 돌파구를 예견하지 못하고 있다.
Joe Biden 미대통령은 이란과 다시 관계를 맺고 핵협정을 재개하기를 간절히 바라고 있으며, 그는 이란이 2015년 핵협정에 대한 규정준수를 다시 재개하기를 희망한다. Robert Malley 미 협정가는 다음과 같이 말했다. "논의될 초기 이슈들은 꽤 간단하다. 한편으로는 이란이 2015년 핵협정준수로 되돌아가기 위해 취해야 할 핵 절차에 관한 것들이고, 다른 것들은 미국이 취해야 할 허가 완화에 대한 절차이다." 이란은 "상대방의 조약위반에 의해 취해질 구제조취를 뒤집을 준비가 되었다"고 말했다.


Iran Nuclear Deal - ESL Lesson Plan - Breaking News English Lesson


Iran and U.S. in talks to revive nuclear deal

English News Lessons: Free 27-Page lesson plan / 2-page mini-lesson - Iran Nuclear Deal - Handouts, online activities, speed reading, dictation, mp3... current events.


