
살콤아내 자기계발 230

2021 to be huge for space exploration (4th January, 2021)

2021 to be huge for space exploration (4th January, 2021) Cosmologists, astronomers and space engineers are predicting that 2021 will be a great year for space exploration. An increasing number of countries and commercial companies are investing in technology to venture into the heavens. Entrepreneurs like SpaceX's Elon Musk and Virgin Galactic's Richard Branson are setting their sights on space..

파이썬 머신러닝 완벽가이드 5주차 정리 (244pg. LightGBM)

244pg. LightGBM XGBoost보다 수행속도가 빠르고 메모리 사용량도 적다. 리프중심트리분할(Leaf Wise) 방식 사용. 최대손실값(max delta loss)를 가지는 리프 노드를 지속적으로 분할하면서 트리의 깊이가 깊어지고 비대청직적인 규칙트리가 생성됨. 이는 예측오류 손실을 최소화 할 수 있음. (10,000건 이하 데이터 세트일 경우 과적합 발생이 쉽다는 단점이 있음) 참고) 일반적인 알고리즘은 균형트리분할 Level Wise 방식 사용. 이는 트리의 깊이를 효과적으로 줄이며 오버피팅에 더 강한구조를 가짐. (트리의 균형을 맞추기 위한 시간이 필요하므로 수행속도가 상대적으로 느림) 주요 LightGBM파라미터 - bagging_fraction: 데이터를 샘플링하는 비율 (일부 데티어..

World Food Prize awarded to fish expert (14th May, 2021)

World Food Prize awarded to fish expert (14th May, 2021) The World Food Prize has been awarded to a nutrition expert for her innovative work on fish. Dr Shakuntala Thilsted, 71, received the coveted prize for pioneering new methods of raising fish that are rich in nutrients. She also successfully campaigned to incorporate fish into the diets of people in developing countries. U.S. Secretary of S..

파이썬 머신러닝 완벽가이드 5주차 정리 (분류 214pg~, 보팅분류기, 랜덤포레스트, XGBoost)

214pg. 보팅분류기 (Votting Classifier) - 45줄: LR, KNN라고 분류기 이름을 명명함. voting방법은 soft라고 하는 vo_clf Estimator를 생성함 보팅 분류기의 정확도가 좀 더 높게 나타났음을 알 수 있다. 217pg. 랜덤포레스트 Bagging방식은 같은 알고리즘의 여러개의 분류기(Estimator)가 전체 데이터를 샘플링(일부중첩)+학습 후 보팅하여 최종 결정하는 방식이다. 결정트리 기반의 랜덤포레스트는 빠르고, 다양한 영역에서 높은 예측 성능을 보인다. 참고) Bagging=boostrap aggregating (부스트트래핑 분할방식=일부중첩) - n_estimators: 결정트리개수로 많을수록 시간이 오래걸림 - max_features: 기본값은 sqrt..

Woman gives birth to nine children (10th May, 2021)

Woman gives birth to nine children (10th May, 2021) We all know what twins and triplets are. Most of us are familiar with the terms quadruplets and quintuplets. But what is the word to describe nine babies being born at the same time? The answer is... nonuplets. A 25-year-old Malian woman, Halima Cisse, has given birth to nine healthy babies. This is a new record. The previous record was by a wo..

Identical twins are not so identical (10th January, 2021)

Identical twins are not so identical (10th January, 2021) A new study shows that while identical twins can look perfectly alike, it is not a perfect similarity. They are not clones of each other. Scientists at the University of Iceland analyzed the DNA from 387 pairs of identical twins - babies born from a single fertilized egg. The scientists compared the DNA with that of the twins' parents and..

Biden vows to repair global alliances (22nd January, 2021)

Biden vows to repair global alliances (22nd January, 2021) Joe Biden has promised to re-establish global alliances in his first speech as U.S. President. Mr Biden was sworn in as the 46th U.S. President on Wednesday amid tight security in Washington. In unprecedented scenes, around 25,000 National Guard troops were positioned to make sure the inauguration took place without incident. In the firs..

UAE to offer citizenship to 'talented' foreigners (3rd February, 2021)

UAE to offer citizenship to 'talented' foreigners (3rd February, 2021) The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has announced it will grant citizenship to foreign residents who "add value" to the nation. It is very rare for a Gulf state to bestow citizenship on foreign nationals and represents a bold revision of the UAE's immigration policy. UAE Vice-President and ruler of Dubai Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid..

파이썬 머신러닝 완벽가이드 4주차 정리 (분류 211pg~, 앙상블학습)

211pg. 앙상블 여러개의 Classifier를 생성하고 그 예측을 결합하여 정확한 최종 예측을 도출하는 기법. 정형데이터 분류에 성능이 좋다. - 앙상블 유형: Voting(하드보팅, 소프트보팅), Bagging(랜덤포레스트 알고리즘), Boosting(그래디언트 부스트, EGBoost, LightGBM 모듈), Stagging(메타모델 재학습) - Voting방식: Data Set를 각각의 분류기가 학습을 한다. 서로 다른 Estimator를 사용하는 경우가 많음. 하드보팅은 다수결 원칙으로, 소프트보팅은 평균적인 확률값이 높은 것을 원칙으로 예측값을 도출한다. - Bagging방식: Data Set를 샘플링해서 각각의 분류기가 학습을 한다. 서로 동일한 Estimator를 사용하는 경우가 많음. ..

Rome's Colosseum to get new hi-tech floor (6th May, 2021)

Rome's Colosseum to get new hi-tech floor (6th May, 2021) Italy's government has given the green light for the refurbishment of Rome's famous ancient Colosseum. The Colosseum is one of the world's most iconic sites and one of the New Seven Wonders of the World. It is an oval amphitheatre in the centre of the city of Rome and is the largest ancient amphitheatre ever built. It was completed over t..
