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파이썬 머신러닝 완벽가이드 4주차 정리 (분류 202pg~)

202pg. UCK HAR Datasets.zip를 다운받고 실습 archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/Human+Activity+Recognition+Using+Smartphones UCI Machine Learning Repository: Human Activity Recognition Using Smartphones Data Set Human Activity Recognition Using Smartphones Data Set Download: Data Folder, Data Set Description Abstract: Human Activity Recognition database built from the recordings of 30 subjects performing a..

Germany to return Benin Bronzes to Nigeria (2nd May, 2021)

Germany to return Benin Bronzes to Nigeria (2nd May, 2021) Germany is to return precious artefacts that were plundered from Nigeria during the colonial era in the late-19th century. The world-famous Benin Bronzes are currently on display at a museum in Leipzig. The Bronzes comprise a collection of more than a thousand metal plaques, sculptures and statues. They were created by the Edo people in ..

University staff asked not to say 'mother' and 'father' (19th February, 2021)

University staff asked not to say 'mother' and 'father' (19th February, 2021) Staff at the Australian National University (ANU) in Canberra have been requested to avoid the use of certain words related to gender. ANU's Gender Institute issued a list of replacement terms for everyday words like 'mother' and 'father'. The switch in vocabulary is part of an initiative to encourage more gender-neutr..

파이썬 머신러닝 완벽가이드 4주차 정리 (분류 183pg~)

183pg. 분류의 개요 - 지도학습은 label값 (명시적 답)이 주어진 상태에서 머신러닝 알고리즘으로 학습해 모델을 생성하고 이 모델을 통해 미지의 label값을 예측하는 것이다. 지도학습의 대표적인 유형에는 분류(Classification)가 있고, Baive Bayes, Logistic Regression, Decision Tree, Support Vector Machine, Nearest Neighbor, Neural Network, Ensemble 등의 머신러닝 알고리즘으로 구현할 수 있다. - 앙상블 방법: 서로다른/같은 머신러닝 알고리즘을 결합한 방법으로 정형데이터의 예측분석영역에서 높은 예{측성능을 가지고 있다. 기본적으로 Decision Tree알고리즘을 사용하며, 앙상블 방법은 Bag..

Dogs may be self-aware (23rd February, 2021)

Dogs may be self-aware (23rd February, 2021) Have you ever wondered what animals think about? A team of scientists explored this question by investigating whether dogs have self-awareness. Researchers from a university in Hungary set out to determine whether canines have a sense of self and of body awareness. Researcher Peter Pongracz explained why his team conducted the study. He said: "Self-aw..

Scientists explain video-conferencing fatigue (27th February, 2021)

Scientists explain video-conferencing fatigue (27th February, 2021) A new study from Stanford University has investigated the effects on our health of extended spells of video-conferencing. Researcher and communications expert Jeremy Bailenson dubbed the phenomenon "Zoom fatigue," but acknowledged the condition is not restricted to just that platform. In the past year, most of us have spent exte..

파이썬 머신러닝 완벽가이드 3주차 정리 (평가 175pg, Diabetes 실습)

Diabetes 파일을 이용해서 다음 실습을 완료하시오 STEP1 1. estimator: logisticRegressor 2. test_train_split: 0.2, 156(random state) 3. 정확도, 정밀도, 재현율을 구하시오 diabetes.csv 파일을 import 한다. y에는 outcome의 결과값이 들어간다. 177pg에는 X, y 데이터를 다른 방법으로 호출했다. data1=data.iloc[:, :] row, column 데이터가 전부 다 담긴다. data2=data.iloc[:, :-1] row는 전부 다 선택, column은 가장 마지막에서 한 줄을 제외한다.>>feature데이터 data3=data.iloc[:, -1] row는 전부 다 선택, column은 가장 마지막..

Volunteers experience 40 days of isolation in a cave (28th April, 2021)

Volunteers experience 40 days of isolation in a cave (28th April, 2021) Could you survive for a few days without your smartphone or without being connected to the Internet? How about living in a cave with no mod cons for 40 days? Fifteen people did just that. They took part in a project called Deep Time to see how they would react to and cope with being totally disconnected from the modern world..

Scientists make biodegradable plastic (24th April, 2021)

Scientists make biodegradable plastic (24th April, 2021) Plastic has been a blight on the landscape and a deadly threat to wildlife for decades. Environmentalists have issued many pleas for us to reduce the amount of plastic we use or switch to biodegradable alternatives. One solution to this problem may be at hand. Scientists have developed a form of biodegradable plastic. This means that the b..

Dog theft on the rise worldwide (3rd March, 2021)

Dog theft on the rise worldwide (3rd March, 2021) A disturbing new crime is emerging worldwide that should be of concern to dog owners. Criminal gangs are engaged in wide-scale dog theft. In the UK it has turned into a lucrative but illicit industry. A theft in the USA last week became global news as the dog walker of pop singer Lady Gaga was shot in the chest as thieves stole her two pet bulldo..
