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파이썬으로 배우는 웹 크롤러 4주차_크롤링 실습 (특정 정보추출, 이미지 다운로드)

실습1: 뉴스기사 홈페이지에서 특정 뉴스의 정보를 추출하시오 실습2: 특정 홈페이지에 있는 img 소스를 다운받으시오 참고) User-agent header 값 설정하기 (파이썬에서 웹크롤링을 하다보면 막히는 사이트가 있음) 아래 사진을 참고해서 User-agent header 값을 찾아, 복사/붙여넣기 한 뒤 파이썬에서 http://www.pythonscraping.com할 수 있다.

New project to recreate smells from centuries ago (19th November, 2020)

New project to recreate smells from centuries ago (19th November, 2020) Would you like to know what the sixteenth century smelled like? A team of researchers is trying to find out. Scientists, historians and experts in smells have embarked on a $3.3 million project to identify and even recreate the aromas that filled the air between the 16th and early 20th centuries. The project is called "Odeur..

Night golf becomes a thing in South Korea (23rd June, 2021)

Night golf becomes a thing in South Korea (23rd June, 2021) The rise of the popularity of golf in South Korea shows no sign of abating. The country is now the world's third largest market for golf, and Korean golfers spend more per capita on golf equipment and apparel than people in any other country. A new phenomenon is taking off in Korea to reflect the ever-increasing popularity of the game. ..

Poor diet creates 20cm height gap in children (11th November, 2020)

Poor diet creates 20cm height gap in children (11th November, 2020) Poor diet and nutrition may be behind an average height gap of 20cm between the tallest and shortest children in different countries. Researchers from Imperial College London conducted a global analysis of the Body Mass Index (BMI) of schoolchildren and adolescents around the world. This involved measuring the height and weight ..

Dry weather affecting autumn leaves colours (6th October, 2020)

Dry weather affecting autumn leaves colours (6th October, 2020) The changing of the colour of the autumn leaves is a spectacular, photogenic, natural event in many forests around the world. The myriad of golds, reds, yellows, greens and browns provides a colourful canvas that ushers in the end of summer. This year in the USA, the autumn foliage has been adversely affected by drought conditions. ..

파이썬으로 배우는 웹 크롤러 3주차_Selenium

Selenium 설치 Step 1: Chrome >> 더보기 >> 도움말 >> Chrome 정보에서 버전확인 후 ChromeDriver 설치 Step 2: Anaconda Prompt >> pip install selenium 입력 후 selenium 설치 Step 3: Anaconda Spyder에서 ChromeDriver.exe 경로설정 후 실행하면 3줄에 입력된 url 창이 뜬다 https://chromedriver.chromium.org/downloads ChromeDriver - WebDriver for Chrome - Downloads Current Releases If you are using Chrome version 92, please download ChromeDriver 92.0.45..

World's first wooden satellite tested (19th June, 2021)

World's first wooden satellite tested (19th June, 2021) Cutting-edge technology is getting back to nature. A company has tested a new satellite that is predominantly made from plywood. The satellite is called Woodsat. It is the brainchild of engineer Jari Makinen, co-founder of a Finnish company called Arctic Astronautics. It is just 10cm cubed in size. He has already successfully tested his DIY..

G7 leaders promise to build a better world (15th June, 2021)

G7 leaders promise to build a better world (15th June, 2021) The Group of Seven Leaders' Summit has concluded with promises to build back a better world. The leaders even coined a phrase and an abbreviation for their shared vision. It is called the Build Back Better World plan, shortened to B3W. A fundamental feature of this plan, that has been signed by all G7 leaders, is to embark on a series ..

베이비 위스퍼 골드 (트레이시 호그, 멜린다 블로우 지음)

는 처럼 엄마들 사이에서 유명한 육아서로 통한다. 이 책을 산 지는 6개월이 지나가는데, 지금까지 이런저런 바쁘다는 핑계로 읽지 못했었다. 연령별 육아문제에 맞닥뜨리기 전에 미리 읽었어야 하는데 결국 두 돌이 다 되어가는 깜짝이의 수면문제, 편식문제가 생겨서 부랴부랴 를 읽게 되었다. 는 연령별, 월령별 육아팁들이 사례별로 제시되어 있는 구조로 되어 있어서 이 두 꺼운 책을 처음부터 끝까지 읽지 않아도 된다. 필요한 정보를 발췌한다는 느낌으로 쏙쏙 읽는 편이 머리속에 더 잘 들어 올 것이다. 나는 챕터부터 끝까지 읽었다. (나처럼 18개월이 넘는 아기를 키우는 부모라면 대소변가리기 훈련과 같이 7장부터 유익한 정보들이 많다.) 참고) 개인적으로 '원더윅스'로 유명한 보다 좀 더 에피소드가 체계적이고, 재..

Tigray on brink of famine, warns U.N. (11th June, 2021)

Tigray on brink of famine, warns U.N. (11th June, 2021) The United Nations has warned that people in Ethiopia's Tigray region are on the brink of a famine. Tigray is the northernmost state in Ethiopia and the homeland of the Tigrayan, Irob and Kunama peoples. In addition to facing the possibility of starvation, people in Tigray have had to endure the hardships that come with being involved in a ..
